Monday 31 March 2014

My Study Inspiration Wall

I finally got round to sticking up all my art pieces I have collected from various artists throughout the years on the wall above my desk. 

I call it my 'Inspiration Wall', as many of these artists inspired me to pursue my art professionally. 

I have also included some of my own work I am most proud of.

The wall and my work space in all its glory! 

Deakin Brook's Guinea Pig art also makes an appearance.

More of my desk, featuring various pieces of my own art, a glimpse of Jess Bradley's art, Pauscorpi, James Stayte, Nikki Stu, Jennie Bryan's pug stickers, and my dad's work. 

A close up of my desk, featuring two of my framed paintings-one digital and one very impressionistic acrylic piece. Above the TV (complete with a Resident Evil Licker and Jennie Bryan pug stickers!) are Naniiebim and James Stayte pieces. The Joker artwork (left of TV) was drawn by my father-the first person to ever inspire me to start drawing in the first place. 

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