Tuesday 29 April 2014

Happy Birthday 8-Bit Girl!

The Duchess

Kayleigh is not only a copywriter for a leading fashion distributor, but also somewhat of a promotional expert.  In her spare time she helps Twin Sword trading with the Facebook/Twitter promotional side of things and also attends galleries and conventions by my side.

Being such a massive help and also my fiancée, I draw pictures for her often.

So today being her birthday I thought I would feature a handful of those pictures and also throw out a big thank you to her.

If it was not for her I  would not get half of the work that I do.

The front of her birthday card.

The Duchess of Longbanks

My Re-draw of Phillippa Bunchin

An old banner I drew up for 8-Bit Girl
Zombie Kayleigh + Dead Me

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