Wednesday 4 June 2014

Absence and Recovery

After my operation

 To all those kind folks that read this blog I am sorry for my absence.  

Last week I went in to have my tonsils removed after two years of having permanent issues with them.  This sickness impacted on all aspects of my life and eventually led to me quitting my job as a teacher 2 months ago.

Waking up after being put under
Now it has finally been sorted I am in recovery.  I thought I would be able to get tonnes drawn but I was very misguided.  The healing process is unpleasant and the pain and discomfort mean that I have been unable to focus on creating anything worthwhile.

Kay and Me
Thankfully I had my fiancée Kayleigh home with me for the first week which made life much more tolerable.  Thank you for you patience and there will be art to follow shortly.  As well as a few bonus bits!

A big thank you to all of those that were kind enough to message me and wish me well.  It means a lot to me.

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