Friday 23 May 2014

MCM Day 1

Today I attended the MCM Expo in London.  It is bigger than ever and they have treated Artists Alley very well indeed.  With a huge number of indie artists on show there is so much to see. 

My stall Twin Sword Trading (featured below) was manned by myself and my fiancée and amazing PA Kayleigh Powis.

I spent a large portion of the day talking to various artists, writers and a great colourist that I shall feature more of tomorrow.  Below is a picture of my comic book heroes, Mark Pearce and James Stayte at their stall selling their amazing comics: Ronin Dogs and Big Jimmy as well as a large selection of prints.

The new Ronin Dogs is even better than the last three and really is worth picking up.

Next is a picture of Marisa Brook who was manning a stall with her husband Deakin Brook.  With a collection of shirts stickers, books and prints, they have a lot to show.

I spent time with many other happy people of whom I shall feature tomorrow after I get back from day two of the MCM.

It shall be bigger than ever this year, so it is well worth checking out if you haven't though about it already.  I shall be there all weekend, so come and say hello.

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