Sunday 25 May 2014

MCM Day 2

Do you wanna be a zombie?  Was a real crowd pleaser today.
The second day of the MCM Expo went down today.  I received many compliments about my artwork and a great amount of sales.  A big thank you to all of you who bought or even just took the time to appreciate my artwork over the last two days.

Today I met so many great people.  Artists, Writers, Publishers, Con goers and also a promoter.  I saw so many new faces that I had not seen before and many that I was pleased to see again.

The Duchess of Longbanks was a best seller.
Honestly, these past two days have been a blast and I look forward to the last part of it tomorrow.

Regretfully, I can't put any pics of the con up here tonight but I shall be doing another post when it is over covering all that I have seen.

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